It's been a busy two months! I'd hoped to be updating this more often but vacations and back to school have gotten in the way. I'm currently in Start The New Year mode, as I'm a teacher and the children start this week. I've been busy preparing a classroom and getting acquainted with two new classroom aides.
In spinning news: my Tour de Fleece is still on the untouched wheel. July was really to hot to spin without AC. Hopefully the cooler September weather will enable me to get back to spinning.
In knitting news: I've finished several shawls, did a bit on a short sleeved sweater for me, have a pair of "Vanilla Socks" on the needles as well as a second Brandywine shawl.
I've rediscovered Etsy and have a knitting bag and a set of stitch markers on the way. I'll post pictures and links to the stores when they arrive.
Since Fall is my favorite time of year, I'm looking forward to cooler days and lots of knitting time.